On 12/30/06, JMCameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks ElGranAzul,  my django code is up to date (via svn), so
'oldforms' is equivalent to 'forms' (the __init__.py files are the
same).   So using 'from django import oldforms as forms' may be better
form (no pun intended!), but will not fix the problem I'm trying to
figure out.

True, but seeing oldforms are being phased out in favor of newforms,
problems with the oldforms generally seem to be ignored, except to
suggest that you either wait for newforms, or, if you're up to it,
switch now and help with development by reporting bugs.

I suppose that if you were stuck in an older version, you could work
up your own patch, but seeing you're running the latest trunk, that
seems unlikely.

Waylan Limberg

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