Thanks for your reply. Is there really no way of using daphne without 
altering nginx/supervisord config like we use gunicorn?
If not, I have some questions based on my efforts so far, please. I will be 
grateful for your attention to these. Apologies if they're silly questions 
since I'm a beginner:
1. If I reconfigure nginx and supervisord, how should I make sure the conf 
files get picked up by GAE? Should I add something to the app.yaml file to 
point to the nginx-app.conf file in the root folder? Should I also change 
my runtime declaration to custom, or leave it as python? I find that 
whenever I add an nginx-app.conf file in the root folder the build times 
out and I get an Error[4] from gcloud app deploy. Otherwise the build 
completes fully.
2. If I am starting a Unix socket for Daphne in the supervisord config 
file, what happens to the entrypoint delaration in the ap.yaml file? Do I 
delete that?
3. How do I know what path I should use in the command: "daphne -u /run/
daphne/daphne%(process_num)d.sock". Also, what is process_num?
4. The new conf files (for nginx and supervisord in the documentation 
shared by you) refer to localhost:8000 - should I change this? What is the 
TCP socket used by nginx backend?
5. How can I do things like updating supervisor, "sudo service nginx 
reload" etc on the GAE PaaS platform since I'm not operating the instance 
directly? Or is this not necessary since I'm creating a whole new build 
each time?

Sorry for the barrage and thanks in advance,

On Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 1:41:09 PM UTC+8, Integr@te System wrote:
> Hi Rahu,
> Check chennel_layers setting as a sample in this doc for more helpful
> On Sat, Jan 18, 2020, 21:10 Rahul Arora < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to switch from gunicorn to Daphne for my Django app on GAE 
>> Flex, since I need to use Django Channels. Previously the site worked fine 
>> with gunicorn as entrypoint (in the app.yaml file). I just replaced it with 
>> daphne so my yamlfile looks like this:
>> runtime: python
>> env: flex
>> runtime_config:
>>   python_version: 3
>> entrypoint: daphne -b -p 8001 my_project_name.asgi:application
>> I've already made a .asgi file next to my .wsgi file and declared an 
>> application there.
>> In requirements.txt I've ensured the daphne(2.4.1) and asgiref(3.2.3) 
>> packages are the latest versions.
>> Finally when I do 'gcloud app deploy', deployment appears to happen 
>> smoothly and in the build logs I can see daphne starting:
>> Step #1: Step 9/9 : CMD exec daphne -b -p 8001 
>> my_project_name.asgi:applicationStep #1:  ---> Running in c6f3762a5ce2
>> But when I go to the site, I'm seeing a 502 Bad Gateway error on the 
>> site, with "nginx" in the next line. 
>> Is there a way to deploy Daphne without going into nginx configurations etc? 
>> I'm using an app engine only because I wanted to avoid doing micro-level 
>> tweaks on a cloud machine.
>> Thanks,
>> Rahul.
>> -- 
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