Hi Alex

I could do almost all query but not the "not equals" could you give me some 
tip to add this operator to my object?

I am doing the following way:

  if (operador == 'equals'):
            d[realname] = value
  elif (operador == greather than'):
            d[realname + '__gt'] = value
        elif (operador == 'less than'):
            d[realname + '__lt'] = value
elif (operador == 'not equals'):
. . .
qs = classDjango.objects.filter(**d)

    return qf

Best regards
On Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at 10:08:18 PM UTC-3, Alex Conselvan de 
Oliveira wrote:
> Hi Ezequias,
> You could use a dict:
> data = {
>   'name': 'John',
>   'age': 42,
> }
> model.filter(**data)
> Best Regards!
> Em qua., 8 de jan. de 2020 às 18:09, Ezequias Rocha <ezequi...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> escreveu:
>> Hi everyone
>> I am in a doubt about creating django filters dynamically.
>> All you know a filter is made by using the parameters like:
>> model.filter(name='John', age=42)
>> But if I can't type all fields and values at design time but at runtime 
>> how to do that?
>> Best regards
>> Ezequias
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