I have a initial view which works as a folder browser for url:

(r'^f/(?P<path>.*?)/$', 'drcsm.views.list_rcs')
def list_rcs(request, path):
        path = '/' + path
        # workdir prevents ../ chets but... no cheating
        if path.find('..') != -1 or path.find('./') != -1:
                raise Exception, 'No cheating'
        workdir = settings.RCS_ROOT + normpath(path)
        if isdir(workdir):
                content = listdir(workdir)
                files = []
                dirs = []
                #from dive into python :)
                #print [f for f in listdir(workdir) if isfile(join(workdir, f))]
                #print [f for f in listdir(workdir) if isdir(join(workdir, f))]
                for c in content:
                        if not c.startswith('.'):
                                if isdir(workdir + '/' + c):
                return render_to_response('drcsm/' + settings.ENGINE + 
{'files': files, 'dirs': dirs, 'path': path, 'theme': settings.THEME,
'engine': settings.ENGINE})
                return render_to_response('drcsm/' + settings.ENGINE + 
{'error': 'Zly Katalog', 'theme': settings.THEME, 'engine':

Can this be improved or has some security holes ?

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