The following steps are useful on Microsoft Windows Platform, I am using 
Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit

Step 1: Create a django project either through command line interface or 
through any IDE such as JetBrains PyCharm, Atom, etc...
Step 2: Observe the sub-folder name inside the django project contains the 
same name as the project name.
Step 3: Notice that the sub-folder contains 4 python files named,,,
Step 4: Open the file & scroll down to the django project 
database component which is default to Sq Lite.
Step 5: Remove the default settings corresponding to the Sq Lite and 
Replace them by MySQL database as follows:-
'USERNAME': 'xxxx', # Replace xxxx with your MySQL database username.
'PASSWORD': 'xxxx', # Replace xxxx with your MySQL database password 
corresponds to the username provided above.
'HOST':'localhost/remotehost', # If it is remote host, you have to provide 
its IP Address., & also update the relevant IP Address in the  
ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] in the file itself.
'PORT': 3306, # 3306 is default for MySQL, if you have your own replace it 
by your port number

Step 6: Save/Refresh the

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  • Re: V.K. Vanama
    • Re: Mohammad yunus

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