Hello Everyone,

i am getting some issue please help me.

i have created custom user model in account app by extending auth user 
model. also i have creates register api to register user. i am able to 
create superuser from command prompt and api as well. and both user are 
storing in single User model along with when i am hitting get request and i 
got response all user which register from command prompt and api. problem 
is that User is able to logging in admin panel which is registered by 
command line by command *python manage.py createsuperuser *but user is not 
able tologging in admin panel user which is created by register api. when i 
am seeing data of both user created by cmd and created by register api in 
admin panel that CMD created user's password is encrypted and user created 
by register api is plain text. may be at the time of creating superuser 
password is saving in encrypted form and user registered by api his 
password is saving in plain text form so that it may not authenticating 
user to redirect on admin panel. so what is happening exactly please clear 
this doubt and help to get out from this situation 

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