
I want to add, the users login or logout or sign up to one website, and I
want them to login or logout from the other website too, automatically.
Currently if they login or logout to one website, it doesn't affect the
other website.


‪On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 7:45 AM ‫אורי‬‎ <u...@speedy.net> wrote:‬

> Django users,
> I have a problem with Set-Cookie not working in Chrome (I didn't check
> other browsers). It worked in the past but it stopped working recently. I
> have two websites with two domain names, and I need to set the cookie in
> both websites. I'm calling a URL in each of the domain names to set the
> cookie. But it doesn't set the cookie on the other website (the website I'm
> not browsing now). Is there any solution to this problem? I think this is
> due to recent changes in Chrome.
> אורי
> u...@speedy.net

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