
Thanks for the explanation. I am using mod_python. I will check if my
browser are sending Accept-Language. But, I suspect they do. Because,
whenever caching is disabled swithing between languages works perfect.
If I change for example the language settings in my browser and make
for example Dutch my preferred language then the website is rendered in Dutch. And if I make English my
preferred language my website is rendered in English. So, the language
settings in my browsers (FF and IE) are correctly handled by the

But whenever I activate caching language switching is not working


On Dec 26, 3:28 pm, "Jeremy Dunck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 12/26/06,Beegee<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Perhaps there is a bug in Should:

> > patch_vary_headers(response, ('Accept-Language',))

> > perhaps be:

> > patch_vary_headers(response, ('Content-Language',))

> I made the change mentioned above. But, it simply does NOT work!
> Whenever I enable global caching I can NOT switch between languages
> anymore. Only one page is saved in the cache!I apologize for mixing you up.  The 
vary header is "the set of
request-header fields that fully determines, while the response is
fresh, whether a cache is permitted to use the response to reply to a
subsequent request without revalidation". (rfc2616, 14.44 Vary)

Which is to say, Accept-Language is the appropriate value to place in
the Vary header, since that is the request-header field we're
interested in varying on, *not* Content-Language.

Even so, have you verified that your browsers are sending
Accept-Language as expected?

Second, are you using mod_python or wsgi?  I'm asking because the
headers django.util.cache.learn_cache_key depends on are expected to
be munged into request.META on round-trip.  I do see that munging
occurring in django.core.handlers.modpython, but not in

I haven't tested that here-- I'm not set up for trunk testing or i18n,
but if you're using wsgi, this may be your bug...

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