On Wednesday, 20 November 2019 03:47:24 UTC, Andrew Stringfield wrote:
> Hello all,
>      I am trying to access Dictionary values directly.  Here is my view:
> def unique_key_query(request, unique_key):
>         unique_key_object = 
> simpleformmodel.objects.all().filter(id=unique_key)
>         context = {'unique_key_object': unique_key_object}
>         return render(request, "bash_file_page.html", context)
> Here is my template:
> {% if unique_key_object %}
>         {% for question in unique_key_object %}
>                 <p>{{ question.filename }}</p>
>         {% endfor %}
> {% else %}
>         <p>No data is available.</p>
> {% endif %}
> I can access Dictionary values with a for loop, but I just do not want to 
> do that.  How can I access the values directly?
> Thank you.

You've got some unfortunately bad answers here. But your question itself is 
very confusing, so it's not surprising.

You *don't have a dictionary here*. It's not clear why you think you do. 
You have a queryset, consisting of one or more model instances.

However, I *think* you are trying to ask why you have a queryset in the 
first place. And the answer is that that's what `filter` always gives you, 
no matter how many items it matches. But in your case you're querying by 
unique ID anyway, so you should only get one item. So, in a case like this, 
you should use `get`:

     unique_key_object = simpleformmodel.objects.get(id=unique_key)

and now in the template {{ unique_key_object.filename }} will work 


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