Sorted out!

path('nova/', views.CreatePerson.as_view(), name='CreatePerson'),

Em qua, 30 de out de 2019 às 14:27, Elias Coutinho <>

> Good afternoon friends!
> I need your help on this issue.
> I'm trying to use this lib:
> Specifically CreateWithInlinesView or UpdateWithInlinesView
> Then I created the view like this:
>     from extra_views import CreateWithInlinesView, InlineFormSetFactory
>     class FilesDocumentsInline (InlineFormSetFactory):
>       model = FilesDocuments
>       fields = ['id', 'kynd', 'file_document']
>     class ContactInline (InlineFormSetFactory):
>       model = Contact
>       fields = ['kynd', 'description', 'contact']
>     class CreatePerson (CreateWithInlinesView):
>       model = Person
>       inlines = [ContactInline, FilesDocumentsInline]
>       fields = ['name', 'phone', 'cpf_cnpj', 'email', 'birth', 'rg', 'cep'
> , 'backyard', 'number', 'neighborhood',
>             'city State']
>   template_name = 'person_create_contact.html'
>    I'm calling in the url like this:
>     path ('nova /', views.CreatePerson, name = 'CreatePerson'),
> And the terminal is returning an argument error.
> *    response = wrapped_callback (request, * callback_args, **
> callback_kwargs)*
> *    TypeError: __init __ () takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given*
> How can you? This is virtually identical to the example!
> I will post this same text in some forums to try to solve too.
> What am I doing wrong in this example?
> --
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Elias Coutinho.
Aprender sobre alguns assuntos é fundamental.
Aprender sobre Deus é indiscutivelmente o melhor conteúdo.

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