I now how to use django pagination with ORM django after filtering the 
required data and put in into *pagination div*
*queryset_list = employee.objects.all()*
*        if query:*
*            queryset_list=queryset_list.filter(*
*              Q(name__icontains=query)|*
*              Q(father_name__icontains=query)|*
*              Q(mother_name__icontains=query)|*
*              Q(content__icontains=query)|*
*              Q(create_date__icontains=query)*
*              # Q(user__first_name__contains=query)*
*            ).distinct()*

*        paginator = Paginator(queryset_list, 5)*
*        page_request_var = "page"*
*        page = request.GET.get(page_request_var)*
*        queryset = paginator.get_page(page)*

*        context={*
*            "object_list":queryset,*
*            "title":"List Items",*
*            "page_request_var":page_request_var,*
*        }*
*        return render(request,"blog/list.html", context)*

the above code is working 

my question is how to convert this ORM into raw SQL 

i know that i must use LIMIT and OFFSET  in raw SQL  to embedded into 

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