i have a question:
This is the template:
{% load static %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{%static "regole.css" %}">
<div id= "taba">
        <tr class="prima">
            <td>ID</td> <td>Ragione Sociale</td> <td>Via</td> <td>Cap</td> 
<td>Città</td> <td>Provincia</td> <td>Stato</td> <td>Contatto</td> 
<td>Tel.Fisso</td> <td>Tel.Cellulare</td> <td>Email</td>
        {% for dati in tutti %}
                <tr class={% cycle 'odd' 'even' %}>
            <td>{{ dati.idclienti }}</td> <td>{{ dati.ragione}}</td> <td>{{ 
dati.via }}</td> 
            <td>{{ dati.cap }}</td> <td>{{ dati.citta }}</td> <td>{{ 
dati.prov }}</td> 
            <td>{{ dati.stato }}</td> <td>{{ dati.persona }}</td> <td>{{ 
dati.tel }}</td> 
            <td>{{ dati.cell }}</td> <td>{{ dati.email }}</td>
            <td><form action="canc_cli/{{ dati.idclienti }}" method="post"> 
{% csrf_token %}<button type="submit">Delete</button></form></td>
        {% endfor %}

When i click kon the button he call the funciorn canc_cli from the view 

from django.shortcuts import render
from .models import Clienti

def tutti_clienti(request):
    tutti = Clienti.objects.all()
    return render(request, "polls/tutti_clienti.html", {"tutti": tutti})

def canc_cli(request, idcliente):
    print('luca :'+str(idcliente))
    tutti = Clienti.objects.all()
    return render(request, "polls/tutti_clienti.html", {"tutti": tutti})

Than he to the right job, but if i push the button again he search for the 
url "canc_cli/canc_cli/{{ dati.idclienti" the is not un my urls the problem 
is because when i do the first time the button function he never refereah 
the url in the browser instead of tutti_clienti.html in the browser i have 

Can you help me to solve the problem

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