in your viewset class,you could  rewrite   get_permissions to set which
permissions you want on action
    def get_permissions(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.action == 'create':
            self.permission_classes = (AllowAny,)
        elif self .action == 'login':
            self.permission_classes = (AllowAny,)

Azar Mohamed <> 于2019年9月7日周六 下午11:37写道:

> I am creating REST API for Product, which has following Permission,
> (create_product, view_product, edit_product). In my Project I am having
> various users with different roles (Ex: Producer, Retailer,
> Consumer,...etc). I am assigning permission to individual Roles. I am using
> Django Group Permission
> Example: The "Producer" role has "create_product" and "view_product"
> permission. The "Retailer" role has "edit_product" permission. The
> "Consumer" role has no permission.
> I want to restrict the Access based on the permission code. I need a
> generic approach to solve this. I want to use the same approach for
> different views with different permission codes.
> In my,
> class Product(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
>      serializer_class = ProductSerializer
>      queryset = Product.objects.all()
> In, I have added following code.
>            'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated',
>      ),
>            'rest_framework_jwt.authentication.JSONWebTokenAuthentication',
>            'rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication',
>            'rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication',
>      ),
>  }
> --
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