Hello everyone,

I know I may ask this question for another time for some of you but after 
an hour of research, I'm still stuck with this issue of "No Reverse Match".

Here is my problem :

   - First, I using forms to put information in my DB (tickets) ;
   - I want to be able to edit those informations (check if a ticket has 
   been handled) ;
   - When I'm trying to call again my form to edit my information, even if 
   I give a specific ID, no way to reach it.

<h1 style="padding-top : 40px">{{ req.name }}</h1>
<p class="infos">Soumis par moi le {{ req.fromd|date:"DATE_FORMAT" }}</p>
  <p><strong>ID :</strong> {{ req.id }}</p>
  <p><strong>Type de test :</strong> {{ req.typeOfTest }}</p>
  <p><strong>Nom :</strong> {{ req.name }}</p>
  <p><strong>Date de la requête :</strong> {{ req.fromd }}</p>
  <p><strong>Périmètre :</strong> {{ req.perimetre }}</p>
  <p><strong>Owner :</strong> {{ req.owner }}</p>
<p><strong>Indice de compromission :</strong><br />{{ req.iocs|linebreaks 
  <p><strong>Message à l'utilisateur :</strong><br />{{ 
req.messageToUser|linebreaks }}</p>
  <p><strong>BAL Folder :</strong><br />{{ req.balFolder|linebreaks }}</p>
  <p><strong>Note :</strong><br />{{ req.note|linebreaks }}</p>
  <p><strong>Requête finie :</strong> {{ req.handled|linebreaks }}</p>
  <br />
  <button onclick="location.href='{% url 'modification' req.id %}'" 
type="button">Editer la<br />requête</button>

def view_modif(request, id):
    # Construit le formulaire, soit avec les données postées,
    # soit vide si l'user accède pour la première fois à la page.
    req = get_object_or_404(Requete, id=id)
    form_m = RequeteFormEdit(instance=req)
    # Verif que les données envoyées sont valides.
    # Cette méthode renvoie False s'il n'y a pas de
    # donnée dans le form ou qu'il contient des erreurs.
    if form_m.is_valid():
        # Ici, on traite les données du form
        form_m.typeOfTest = form_m.cleaned_data['typeOfTest']
        form_m.name = form_m.cleaned_data['name']
        form_m.tod = timezone.now
        form_m.perimetre = form_m.cleaned_data['perimetre']
        form_m.owner = form_m.cleaned_data['owner']
        form_m.iocs = form_m.cleaned_data['iocs']
        form_m.messageToUser = form_m.cleaned_data['messageToUser']
        form_m.balFolder = form_m.cleaned_data['balFolder']
        # form_m.pj = form_m.cleaned_data['pj']
        form_m.handler = form_m.cleaned_data['handler']
        form_m.note = form_m.cleaned_data['handled']
        form_m.handled = form_m.cleaned_data['note']

        # Nous pourrions ici envoyer l'e-mail grâce aux données
        # que nous venons de récupérer
        envoi = True

    # Quoiqu'il arrive, on affiche la page du formulaire.
    return render(request, 'insertion/modification.html', locals())

from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
path('', views.home, name='home'),
path('liste', views.liste, name='liste'),
path('requete/<int:id>', views.print_req, name='voir_req'),
path('insertion/', views.view_insert, name='insertion'),
path('edit/<int:id>', views.view_modif, name='modification'),
path('connexion/', views.connexion, name='connexion'),
path('deconnexion/', views.deconnexion, name='deconnexion')

error :
NoReverseMatch at /edit/1

Reverse for 'modification' with no arguments not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: 

Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Django Version: 2.0
Exception Type: NoReverseMatch
Exception Value: 

Reverse for 'modification' with no arguments not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: 

Exception Location: /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/urls/resolvers.py 
in _reverse_with_prefix, line 632
Python Executable: /usr/bin/python

I'm in a hurry and hope I could have the help I need thanks to you.

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