This copied from my public gist:

Django 3.0: Please do not ignore the async-only usecase

- For how long you have considered making django async-only?
- (Andrew Godwin) For about 2 minutes.

@andrewgodwin yes, I decided to write this after watching your presentation 
at PyConAu 2019

Please consider the usecase where a developer doesn't want to mix sync and 
async code, but does have a sync application and a (separate) async 
application and wants them to have common parts (for example, definitions 
of the models).

the accepted approach (DEP 09)

The stated goal was to enable async in django, while preserving backword 
compatibility. The accepted approach is to make some parts of django async. 
Partly because it allows you to have synchronous parts in your async 
application (since they are easier to write), partly because django is big 
and its migration to async is better to be gradual (thus having a lot of 
sync parts at start).

To provide that, it is proposed to use something like 
`asgiref.sync_to_async` and `asgiref.async_to_sync` adapters. The important 
detail is that it pins all sync handlers for a given request to a single 


- sync parts exist = we still have the slowdown
- the implementation is complicated. We are going from sync to async, 
possibly multiple times. We are required to make sync parts to be executed 
in the same thread, that means we cannot just use the first available 
thread, hence more slowdown
- long-polling (one of examples that will benefit from django 3.0) is quite 

Well, it doesn't mean async-only, but it does mean that you cannot mix sync 
and async code. You can have gunicorn serving the sync handlers and twisted 
serving the async handlers, both using the same database, config, etc. 
Actually, you can use that aproach today. Just the amount of code you can 
reuse between sync and async applications is close to 0. That can be 
improved: the async part of django is unwritten yet, and we have some 
degree of freedom.


The models are mostly declarative, so conceptually there shouldn't be 
problems here. The same declarations of models can be used for sync and 
async code. Let migrations be synchronous only. Let django-admin be 
synchronous only.


Middleware will have to be implemented differently for sync and async 
cases. It would be nice if we could still reference same things in the 
configuration, like this:


Here `common.SessionMiddleware` can be an empty class, an actual 
implementation being provided separately for sync and async cases.

DEP 09?

While I am personally for async-only django, that is 
configuration-compatible with traditional django, rather then for DEP 09, 
they do not exclude each other. I guess that a lot of implementation code 
of that DEP will be useful in async-only usecase, I am just asking to add 
it as a legit usecase to avoid bad API design.

Actually, if there is a proper place for this writing, please tell me.

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