Hi Pradeep,
Im trying to complete this task , can You help me do that. Actually I'm new
django Rest Framework

1. Model Specifications:
        - a custom user model called 'Profile' which has following fields
(other than name, email, etc.)
                - phone number (must be unique)
                - gender (choices are: male, female, other)
                - profile pic (an image upload field)
                - date of birth (a date or datetime field)
                - permanent address (must be a one-to-one field of Address 
                - company address (must be a one-to-one field of Address model)
                - friends (must be a many-to-many field of Profile model)

        - the 'Address' model must contain following fields:
                - street address
                - city
                - state
                - pincode
                - country

2. Admin Customizations:
        - In the Profile table:
                - user's profile pic must be visible
                - option to search users by name
                - option to filter users on the basis of
                        - gender
                        - address city

3. APIs:
        - Implement following authentication APIs (use Token as well as Basic
                - Register new user with basic details like
                        - name (required)
                        - email (required)
                        - phone no. (required)
                        - password (required)
                        - gender (optional)
                        - date of birth (optional)
                - Login
                - Logout

        - Profile APIs (all requests can be made only by authenticated users,
referred by 'me' below):
                - Retreive my profile details
                - Patch my profile details (any possible detail must be editable
using this API)
                - List profiles of other users:
                        - profile detail should contain follwoing fields only:
                                - id,
                                - name,
                                - gender,
                                - profile pic url,
                                - permanent address city,
                                - is person my frienc,
                                - count of mutual friends.
                        - option to filter API results on the basis of gender, 
permanent address city
                - Add/Remove any user to/from my friends list

Thank You.



On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 6:41 PM Pradeep Sukhwani <ps.sukhw...@gmail.com>

> Your question is vague. Share an example may be piece of a code or a
> scenario that can help us to understand product requirement more clearly.
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