I know you can have permissions on individual models that control which 
users have access to them, but I need something for my apps.

Ex. If a user logs in, does he have access to the store_app? The forum_app? 

I have a solution that looks something like this:


class MyUser(AbstractUser):
    for app_short_name, app_long_name in settings.APP_CHOICES:
        add_field = "allow_{} = ".format(app_short_name)
        add_field += "models.BooleanField(verbose_name='Allow Access to 
{}', default=False, null=False)".format(app_long_name)



    ('store_app', 'Store App'),
    ('forum_app', 'Forum App'),

It works, but I'm not sure if it's bad practice to have dynamically 
generated fields in models.py like this, or if there's a better/simpler way 
to do this.

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