To be able to traverse the JSON structure you'd normally need the entire 
structure in memory. For this reason you can't (easily) apply suggestions 
to iterate over a file efficiently to a JSON file: you can perhaps read the 
file efficiently, but the structure in memory will still grow in memory. 
I've found these packages made for efficiently reason large JSON files 
after a quick search: or shows a simple example when 
using ijson

On Monday, 1 July 2019 12:07:39 UTC+2, Nibil Ashraf wrote:
> Hey,
> I have a file with a size of around 30GB. The file is in json format. I 
> have to access the data and write that to a csv file. When I tried to do 
> that with my laptop which has a a RAM of 4GB, I am getting some error. I 
> tried to load the json file like this json_parsed = json.loads(json_data)
> Can someone help me with this? How should I do this? If I should go with 
> some server, please let me know what specifications should I use? 

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