Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:
A number of people have made this same assertion, and I'm a bit curious about
it. Is there a reason that using Apache/mod_python as the app server and
nginx/perlbal as a distributor is somehow less effective than a pure-Python

I'm interested in this for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it's less bits
of software - if we could tell people "Install Django, install
Reinhardt[1], run a couple of instances of Reinhardt on high ports and
point nginx / perlbal / your load-balancer of choice at it" we'd have a
really nice story for deployment; the Rails guys have this right now
with Mongrel. Talking people through configuring mod_python is one more
step where they can get stuck.

Secondly, a reliable stand-alone Python web server would be a fantastic
thing to have for low traffic applications and intranets. Loads of web
development takes place behind the firewall after all - Guido has
stated that Mondrian runs on a pure Python web server (the wsgiutils
one) and handles a couple of thousand users just fine.

The bigger vision is this: it's clear to me that application servers
configured behind a fast reverse proxy is the Right Way to build
websites. Imagine if you could trivially set up something like this:

example.com/blog/ -> proxies to WordPress, running on PHP somewhere
example.com/drag-n-drop-shopping-cart/ -> proxies to a Rails app
example.com/sudoku/ -> proxies to a Django app
example.com/catwalk/ -> proxies to a TurboGears app

Etc. Sure, you can do this today with some careful setup, but having a
good pure-Python web server that you can just start and then leave
alone would make deploying micro-apps a heck of a lot easier.

Check this out: http://www.hackdiary.com/archives/000099.html . Matt
Biddulph wrote a tiny-app in Camping (a Rails micro-framework), set it
running under Mongrel, pointed a reverse proxy at it and released it to
the world. If he builds something else it can have its own Mongrel.
That's the ease of configuration and setup I'm interested in.



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