I get the error when i enter the records of Profile Model and save it. i
get GUI for model.

I created group and given access of both model to dgp user.

ValueError at /admin/newapp/profile1/

  dgp is my user name and Employee is the model name.

Can anybody help me in this regards

Employee Refers to User Model ( Foreign Key Relation)
Profile Model Refers to Employee Model ( Foreign Key Relation)


class Employee(models.Model):
   * user = models.OneToOneField(User,
    department = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    level = models.IntegerField()
    parentlevel = models.IntegerField()
    created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)

    def __str__(self):
        return '%s' % (self.user)

class Profile(models.Model):

    State = models.CharField(max_length=100,default="MH")
    District = models.CharField(max_length=100,default="Parbhani")

  *  user = models.ForeignKey(Employee, on_delete=models.CASCADE)*
    InwardNumber = models.CharField(max_length=100,default="2019/3")


class Profile1Admin(admin.ModelAdmin):

  def get_form(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):

        username = request.user.username

        print("----- Inside get_exclude Method--------")
        print (username)

        if username == 'dgp': # if user is not a superuser

LOGIC 1 --------
        elif username == 'inumber':

LOGIC 2 ----
print("-----  ***********  Inside DGP LOGIN ***-------")
            self.fields = self.inward_fields
            Logic 3 --

        return super(Profile1Admin, self).get_form(request, obj, **kwargs)

Can Anyone please help me in this regards.


*Mr. Shetty Balaji S.Asst. ProfessorDepartment of Information Technology,*
*SGGS Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vishnupuri, Nanded.MH.India*
*Official: bsshe...@sggs.ac.in <bsshe...@sggs.ac.in> *
*  Mobile: +91-9270696267*

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