
I am trying to update my project to Django 2.2 (we are currently on 
2.0.13). When I launch `python manage.py migrate`, I get this error message 
when migration auth.0011_update_proxy_permissions is applying (full 
stacktrace is available here <https://dpaste.de/5nJJ>):
django.db.utils.IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique 
constraint "idx_18141_auth_permission_content_type_id_01ab375a_uniq"
DETAIL:  Key (content_type_id, codename)=(12, add_agency) already exists.

It looks like the migration is trying to re-create already existing entries 
in the auth_permission table. At first I though it cloud because we 
recently renamed a model. But after digging and deleting the entries 
associated with the renamed model from our database in the auth_permission 
table, the problem still occurs with other proxy models.

I search for a ticket about this on the bug tracker but found nothing.

Can someone help me on this? I guess I can keep deleting problematic 
entries from our database one by one but it will take a long time and it 
doesn't look right.

Julien Enselme

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