Hi Cameron,
the reason why I wanted to use django is that I had used it before and I didn't 
want to have to learn a new framework if possible.
Makes sense.

However, light FWs such as Tornado (which I like a lot, and prefers over Flask 
BTW)  have a really small learning curve for a basic usage (i.e. serving 
dynamic pages with the help of templates). If you're already familiar with 
Django, you'll be productive with Tornado is less than one hour, if not shorter.

If you have the option to invest a bit of time, it deserves a look because 
you'll get the ROI of having one more weapon in your arsenal. You'll thus be 
able to select the best suited option instead of relying on the same one every 
time. Although Django is really great (I work a lot with it for years for my 
job as well as for private projects, and I really enjoy it), there are 
situations it's not the optimal choice. For instance, it can be a bit overkill 
when you don't have to play with a data model justifying an ORM and such.

One important word about Tornado, and why I like it so much : it is based on 
the asynchronous paradigm and despite being single thread and single process 
(although it supports a multi-process execution mode for taking advantage of 
multi-cores CPUs) it is able to serve a lot of requests thanks to this. This is 
especially true when these requests are IO bound (e.g. DB access, network 
requests...). Knowing such an architecture and knowing how to properly 
implement request handlers to leverage its power is IMHO a valuable experience. 
Tornado is amazing when your target is an embedded system with constrained 
resources, such as a Raspberry Pi or alike. I've developed several real world 
apps in this context and it plays amazingly well.

Even if Tornado has not as many batteries included as Django (it brings nothing 
for data access f.i.) it comes with a lot of valuable features inside in 
addition to templating and request serving (CSRF, CORS, sessions, user 
authentication, asynchronous network clients, Web sockets, I18N support, UI 
modules,...). In addition, you don't need to put a WSGI server in front, since 
it includes its own asynchronous production grade server (not a dev server such 
as Django's runserver but a real production one).

Maybe all this looks a bit like Tornado propaganda or Django bashing. It's 
neither of these of course, but only my own experience.

Best regards


From: django-users@googlegroups.com <django-users@googlegroups.com> on behalf 
of cameron hochbrg <caos2...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2019 04:46
To: django-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Create models using raw SQL queries

Thank you for your response. I am aware that django has for purpose to hide the 
SQL. the reason why I wanted to use django is that I had used it before and I 
didn't want to have to learn a new framework if possible.

Le mer. 27 mars 2019 à 21:33, Simon A 
<arriolasi...@gmail.com<mailto:arriolasi...@gmail.com>> a écrit :
hi Cameron, as Eric said, by doing this you might not fully take advantage of 
the features of django. But if you still want to proceed maybe you can use the 
managed option for models. 

with this approach, you'll create the database tables manually first OUTSIDE of 
django, then connect django to it afterwards. I haven't tried it before but 
this might be what you need.

also if your teacher requires to perform raw sql queries rather than use the 
ORM, there is an option to use raw sql queries. 

On Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 6:16:54 AM UTC+8, Eric Pascual wrote:

Not sure Django is the right choice in your case since one of its main purposes 
is to hide the SQL stuff by putting the ORM in front.

You'd better use Flask, Tornado or any other Web framework which does not come 
with any special feature WRT data access.



From: django...@googlegroups.com <django...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of 
cameron hochbrg <caos...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 21:36
To: Django users
Subject: Create models using raw SQL queries


for a project for a database class, we wanted to create a web app using django. 
However, our teacher wants us to use raw SQL queries for everything involving 
the database. As such I was wondering if it was possible to create mdoels using 
raw SQL queries.

thank you in advance

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