Does it really use Django channels?  I am using Django channels and
following its suggested package:  ASGI provided by Daphne


Aldian Fazrihady

On Sat, 23 Mar 2019, 07:58 Adam Zedan, <> wrote:

> I am currently using Django channels for websocket communication. I read
> this
> <>
>  article
> and it states that I should split the project into two uwsgi instances. It
> states that
> "The web server undertakes the task of dispatching normal requests to one
>> uWSGI instance and WebSocket requests to another one"
> Now I have two uwsgi instances running. This is how I am running both.
> This uwsgi handles the normal django site requests
> uwsgi --virtualenv /home/ec2-user/MyProjVenv --socket /home/ec2-user/
> MyProjVenv/MyProjWeb/site1.socket --chmod-socket=777 --buffer-size=32768
> --workers=5 --master --module main.wsgi
> This uwsgi handles the websocket requests
> uwsgi --virtualenv /home/ec2-user/MyProjVenv --http-socket /home/ec2-user/
> MyProjVenv/MyProjWeb/web.socket --gevent 1000 --http-websockets --workers=
> 2 --master --chmod-socket=777  --module main.wsgi_websocket
> Now the websocket uwsgi launches  main.wsgi_websocket
> The code for main.wsgi_websocket one is this
> import os
> import gevent.socket
> import redis.connection
> redis.connection.socket = gevent.socket
> os.environ.update(DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='main.settings')
> from ws4redis.uwsgi_runserver import uWSGIWebsocketServer
> application = uWSGIWebsocketServer()
> Now after spinning up the two uwsgi instances I am able to access the
> website.The websocket uwsgi instance is also receiving data however I am
> not sure if its passing that data to the website uwsgi instance. I am using
> Django Channels here and this is the configuration I have specified in my
> settings for Django Channels
>     "default": {
>         "BACKEND": "asgi_redis.RedisChannelLayer",
>         "CONFIG": {
>             "hosts": [(redis_host, 6379)],
>         },
>        "ROUTING": "main.routing.channel_routing",
>     },
> }
> The channel routing is this
> channel_routing = [
>     include("chat.routing.websocket_routing", path=r"^/chat/stream"),
>     include("chat.routing.custom_routing"),
> ]
> and this is the websocket_routing which i have mentioned above
> websocket_routing = [
>     route("websocket.connect", ws_connect),
>     # Called when WebSockets get sent a data frame
>     route("websocket.receive", ws_receive),
>     # Called when WebSockets disconnect
>     route("websocket.disconnect", ws_disconnect),
> ]
> Now the problem is that my ws_receive is never called. If I test on my
> local dev machine using  "*ipaddress:8000/chat/stream*" this works
> perfectly fine however I have no clue why my receive is not being called
> when I use *ipadress:80/ws/ *. I am certain that my other uwsgi instance
> is getting that data but I dont know how to find out if its passing it to
> the other uwsgi instance of the djnago side and if it is then why is my
> receive not being called ?. Any suggestions on this would definitely help
> --
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