
I'm wondering what people's approach to React state management is, in
particular for full stack web developers who work both on the Django and
React side of things.

Here are my initial thoughts, based on research more than experience.
I'm keen to hear other people's thoughts, and (even better) experiences.

There are a number of alternatives out there, but I'll consider three:

- React component state. On the plus side this comes out of the box. But
coming from an MVC[*] background, tying my state to UI components does
not feel right;

- Redux. I like the principles; immutability, asynchronous updates, the
state being of function of itself, reducers, etc. I'm ok with the
verbose implementation. What really bothers me is having to keep all my
state in one large unstructured object. Being used to Django's ORM this
feels like prehistory. Even using raw SQL is more structured than a
plain js object. Things like this:
make me feel like I'm basically re-implementing the database engine.

- MobX. Being used to writing models, MobX feels a lot more natural that
either of the other options. Models as classes, synchronous updates,
etc. There are people out there however who claim that MobX
re-introduces classes of bugs that Redux-like flows were designed to
eliminate (though I've not seen anyone provide actual examples of why
this is the case).

The above sounds like I would lean towards MobX; but then I'm wary of
making a choice because it feels more natural from a Django perspective.
Django is not a reactive framework, Django is a stateless build
pipeline. What is natural in Django might not fit well in a stateful
reactive context.

So - for those of you who combined Django and React, what state
management approach did you use (or are thinking of using) and why?

Thanks :)

[*] I know, MTV. Also I know that MVC is considered a bad word in js
frontend world.

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