If that field has unique values, probably you can use that fileld as primary 

Amitesh Sahay91-750 797 8619 

    On Monday, 28 January, 2019, 7:18:35 PM IST, 'Odile Lambert' via Django 
users <django-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:  
In django admin, I have a model with a model fiel "tech_number" which must be 
unique across the table. If I do not check the uniqueness, it raises a Django 
integrity error. According to the documentation it sounds normal.
I checked the uniqueness of the" tech_number" in the clean of the model form. 
but now it raises a validation error even in the change form. In fact it should 
ask if I needs to erase the existing one.
What did I miss?

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