Now I'm stuck on it saying phpmyadmin not working

On Wed, Jan 23, 2019, 4:26 PM Carsten Fuchs < wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> thanks for your reply!
> I'm sorry if I left the impression that I had not spent any time with
> research before posting my question!
> Unfortunately and mistakenly, I was referring to the 2.1 docs when I am in
> fact still using Django 1.11:
> My problem is that I still (have to) use an Oracle 11 database, which in
> turn gets me stuck with Django 1.11 LTS – this is one of the reasons for
> our planned switch to MySQL (unfortunately I was not able to persuade the
> team to use PostgreSQL instead).
> Therefore, I have to switch from Oracle 11 to MySQL at Django 1.11.
> Thus my question: With #29451 referring to Django 2.0, does the MySQL
> support in Django 1.11 cover MySQL 8, so that I can from there upgrade to
> newer Django versions?
> Sorry again for having not made that clear in my initial message!
> Best regards,
> Carsten
> Am 23.01.19 um 16:37 schrieb Tim Graham:
> > Yes, Django supports MySQL 8. If you google "django mysql 8" the second
> result is Based on the
> commits there, it looks like Django 2.0.7 and above received the fixes.
> >
> > On Wednesday, January 23, 2019 at 5:10:18 AM UTC-5, Carsten Fuchs wrote:
> >
> >     Dear Django group,
> >
> >     can you please help me with some questions about
> > <
>> ?
> >     (I've been using Django with an Oracle database for years, but I'm
> new
> >     to MySQL.)
> >
> >     a) Does "Django supports MySQL 5.6 and higher." cover MySQL 8? (I'm
> not
> >     sure about the status of some tickets and PRs.)
> >
> >     b) Why is the "mysqlclient" client the recommended choice?
> >
> >     c) Using MySQL 8 and considering
> > <
>>, should we set utf8 or
> >     utf8mb4 as the character set?
> > <
> >     indicates that utf8 is an alias to the deprecated utf8mb3 even with
> MySQL 8.
> >
> >     d) Why is isolation level "read committed" preferred over "repeatable
> >     read"? The text says "Data loss is possible with repeatable read.",
> but
> >     how can "repeatable read" have data loss that "read committed" has
> not?
> >
> >     Thank you!
> >
> >     Best regards,
> >     Carsten
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