I had the same issue today, but i was able to fix it. I use windows 10 too. 
Kindly follow this guide to setup your virtualenv:

Step One: This is really important to do because i really don't know what 
is the major cause of this errors but what i discovered in my time is the 
installation right from the start of python itself needs to be properly 
done. So do this uninstall everything that has to do with python, anaconda, 
any python version you have, pycharm and all the likes, also go to your 
path variable and remove any path that show python.

Step Two: Goto https://www.python.org/downloads/ and download V3.7.2 the 
latest version currently on python official website

Step 3: After download, launch the installer ensure you select Add Python 
3.6 to PATH, secondly choose customize ensure all is selected hit next

Step 4: Ensure you select the following 
   - Install for all users
   - Add Python to environment variables
   - Create shortcuts for installed applications
   - Recompile standard library or whatever this one is

Then hit install
Step 5: once installation is completed, launch your powershell or cmd as 
admin and type python -V and hit enter. It should output Python 3.7.2

Step 6: Ensure your powershell is run as admin then run this command 
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted, follow the instructions and select choose 
Y to update your powershell
Step 7: Follow this code:
cd ~/
mkdir Env
pip install virtualenv
pip freeze (to verify -- output will be virtualenv==version number)
cd ~/Env
mkdir environment
cd environment
virtualenv .
cd ~\Env\environment

Gotten here nice work! just try pip freeze (would not returning anything at 
this point, this confirm your virtualevn is working fine.)
Having Challenge installing django, hola me

On Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 8:18:35 PM UTC+1, Django Geek Aditya wrote:
> Shell Output after entering command is
> PS E:\todo> . \Scripts\activate
> . : The term '\Scripts\activate' is not recognized as the name of a 
> cmdlet, function, script file, or operable
> program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify 
> that the path is correct and try again.
> At line:1 char:3
> + . \Scripts\activate
> +   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (\Scripts\activate:String) 
> [], CommandNotFoundException
>     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
> PS E:\todo>

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