Hmm, I suspect your issue is with queryset there since it says Matching 
Query Doesn't exist. This error always tend to say you that your django 
orm query is not proper, it has certain fields or style that you can not 
perform in the way you have written. First of all, please check if your 
variables values on your queryset 
place = Chapter.objects.get(course__course_name=course_name, slug=slug)
you can't make the query with None values as you have defaulted on your 
method *def chapter(request, course_name=None, slug=None): *
Thus, my guess would be because of these variable values you are getting 
that error. You should have some values there instead of None or else it 
will always have that error.

And another thing I was wondering, why are you not using django 2.0 :D ? 

On Wednesday, 2 January 2019 12:48:18 UTC+5:45, Suresh wrote:
> def chapter(request, course_name=None, slug=None):
>     place = Chapter.objects.get(course__course_name=course_name, slug=slug)
>     add_link_form = AddLinkForm(request.POST or None)
>     add_txt_form = AddTxtForm(request.POST or None)
>     file_upload_form = FileUploadForm(request.POST or None, request.FILES 
> or None)
>     queryset_txt_block = TextBlock.objects.filter(text_block_fk__id=
>     queryset_yt_link = YTLink.objects.filter(
>     queryset_files = FileUpload.objects.filter(
>     context = {
>         "title": place.chapter_name,
>         "course_name": course_name,
>         "slug": slug,
>         "add_link_form": add_link_form,
>         "add_txt_form": add_txt_form,
>         "queryset_yt_link": queryset_yt_link,
>         "queryset_txt_block": queryset_txt_block,
>         "queryset_files": queryset_files,
>         "path": "Profile",
>         "redirect_path": "profile",
>         "file_upload_form": file_upload_form,
>     }

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