I am getting 500 Internal Server Error when I migrated my django app from 
python2.7 to python3.6. I have created a new virtualenv, and created all 
the apps individually. The virtualenv is defined in uwsgi.ini file

home = /home/netadc/.venvs1/netadc

I have installed all the packages using pip3.6. I am not sure what I am 
missing. Every config in uwsgi is same as python2.7 when it was working.I 
am using uwsgi 2.0.13. I have restarted nginx as well. Is there a separate 
uwsgi for python3 which I cannot locate? The socket permissions are also 
same as before. Please help.

The command to start wsgi is :- /home/netadc/.venvs1/netadc/bin/uwsgi --ini 
/home/netadc/apps/netadc/netadc/uwsgi/netadc_uwsgi.ini --enable-threads

In wsgi logs, i see :- --- no python application found, check your startup 
logs for errors --- [pid: 13634|app: -1|req: -1/3] x.x.x.x () {42 vars in 
1029 bytes} [Mon Dec 17 09:04:40 2018] GET /netadc/home => generated 21 
bytes in 0 msecs (HTTP/1.1 500)

The access logs in nginx show :- x.x.x.x - - [17/Dec/2018:09:05:43 -0700] 
"GET /netadc/home HTTP/1.1" 500 32

Nothing comes up in nginx error logs.

When I do manage.py shell, I see :- ImportError: bad magic number in 'lib': 

I removed all the .pyc files, but then sometimes manage.py shell hangs up 
and sometimes it opens fine. But again after sometime, I will get the magic 
number error as above.

When I revert the virtualenv back to my previous virtualenv in the 
uwsgi.ini file which uses python2.7, I get some error logs on uwsgi.

home = /home/netadc/.venvs/netadc Log :- File "./ivpn/rest_appviewx.py", 
line 29 print('Server IP has NAT already. So no QIP update needed.', end=' 
') ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

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