Thanks very much Roger. I ran your command (updated for my system),
and then it started working.

On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 4:31 PM Roger Gammans
<> wrote:
> Larry,
> Hmm, you may have reached the end of how I can help, but two things come to 
> mind:-
> 1 It might be worth trying a reboot, to ensure IIS and dependent services are 
> all reloaded.
> 2 I'm not sure the icon was created; I think I had to manually add the 
> handler which created the icon. ( remember
> having to select the name dome a combo select box. at one point)
> My script goes straight on from the adding the features, to install python 
> and then create a fastcgi handler with
> New-WebHandler -Name "DjangoFastCGI" -Path "*" -Verb "GET,POST" -Modules 
> FastCgiModule `
>                        -ResourceType Unspecified -ScriptProcessor "$PYEXE|-m 
> wfastcgi"
> (I've manually wrapped the above and added a '`' as the line continuation 
> character ; and note the PYEXE variable
> which would have been set to "C:\python36\python.exe" in my case. )
> Which is the command line version of point 2 above.
> IIS also a has a tendency to read a web.config XML in the IIS site root; from 
> which I think a lot of this can be set from. You can certainly set 
> environment variable there (such as PYTHONPATH , or DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE ).
> HTH,
> --
> Roger
> On Tue, 2018-12-18 at 12:07 -0500, Larry Martell wrote:
> Thanks. I ran that command, and I checked the settings and CGi is
> installed and enabled. I have the CGI icon in the IIS config page, but
> I do not have the FAST-CGI which is what all the docs seem to refer
> to.
> On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 10:49 AM Roger Gammans
> <> wrote:
> Larry,
> My script draws from the following urls all of which I found useful.
> I think you might not have all the correct 'features' installed, specifically 
> you are probably missing CGI.
> The PS line to install that seems to be:-
> Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName IIS-CGI
> Hope this helps a little.
> On Tue, 2018-12-18 at 10:40 -0500, Larry Martell wrote:
> I am following the instructions I found here:
> I am up to this point: 'Configuring IIS to run a FastCGI application'
> It says 'Click OK on the handler information dialog. IIS will then ask
> you to confirm the creation of a matching FastCGI application entry
> which you will need to confirm. This entry will be visible in the
> FastCGI Settings feature, accessible at the root screen of the IIS
> Management Console'
> But after I set up the Module Mapping and do the above there is no
> entry for the handler in the FastCGI Settings.
> Anyone know what I may be doing wrong or how to proceed?
> On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 4:35 AM Roger Gammans
> <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was looking at this back in November., although I'm not a Powershell or 
> Windows expert I start to put together a powershell script to automate the 
> setup, although there was a couple of lose ends.
> Most critically the order of handlers is import and you need to force the 
> static files handler to be primary for media and static directories as 
> whatever handler (by script uses fastcgi /  use use to interface 
> with wsgi as primary at the root level. (Eg so media and static overrides the 
> root with their local config)
> Unfortunately I couldn't find anyway to control the handler ordering through 
> powershell, I'm waiting on a window colleague to fix it up, but it is no 
> longer a prioirty as the project as move away form windows hosting.
> If there is interest I'll see what I can do about getting the script public.
> --
> Roger Gammans <>
> Gamma Science
> On Tue, 2018-12-18 at 11:22 +0200, Avraham Serour wrote:
> I feel your pain, once I had to deploy a django project on windows, after 
> trying many different options I installed cygwin and form there nginx+uwsgi 
> like any other normal person.
> Today microsoft have WSL, I think you may use that too, you can still use IIS 
> to route traffic and forward the http connections. Maybe not as efficient as 
> it could be but I think it will save you headaches.
> Good luck
> On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 6:10 AM Mike Dewhirst <> wrote:
> On 18/12/2018 2:16 PM, Alex Heyden wrote:
> I have recently, and it was equal parts misery and pain. FastCGI via
> wfastcgi, as outlined at
> I also had to downgrade from Python 3.7 to Python 3.6
> I wouldn't really consider myself an expert on the subject. All I can
> say is that it is possible.
> I once had to implement a web service on a Windows server and eventually
> installed Apache. That worked brilliantly although it wasn't a heavy
> duty application. Django works well on Windows so Apache is a fallback
> if IIS doesn't cut it for you.
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 5:19 PM Larry Martell <
> <>> wrote:
>     Anyone have any experience setting up a Django app to work with IIS? I
>     have inherited what I was told is a working system, but it's not
>     working. Before I post details of my issues and questions I wanted to
>     see if anyone here has successfully got a Django app to run with IIS.

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