While I'm waiting on a response, I will try an update view.

On Saturday, December 15, 2018 at 10:58:36 PM UTC-5, progm...@gmail.com 
> Hi I am trying to update a record. Form.save() worked but it created a new 
> record and I have yet to figure out how to update a database record in 
> views.py. Below are the 2 views related to what I'm doing. On one page I 
> list customers to be chosen for update. When a customer is chosen, the pk 
> is posted back and the user is redirected to the edit page. Any idea how I 
> can update the db record with the form's cleaned data? Thanks
> # Allows for the customer record to be selected 
> # Then directs to an edit form
> class listcustomers(ListView):
>     model = dbCustomer
>     template_name = "mysite/admin_listcustomers.html"
>     queryset = dbCustomer.objects.all()
>     context_object_name = 'customerlist'   
>     paginate_by= 1
>     def post(self,request):
>         for key in request.POST:
>             if "customer_" in key:
>                 print(key, request.POST[key])
>                 if request.POST[key] == "Edit":
>                     pk = re.findall('\d', key)
>                     if pk:
>                         # returned pk has been verified 
>                         # dump cusomer id into a session variable
>                         # and redirect for editing
>                         request.session['customer_pk'] =int(pk[0])
>                         return redirect("editcustomer")
>                 else:
>                     pass
>         return render(request,self.template_name,)
> # This is where the selected customer gets the form to allow editing
> def editcustomer(request):
>     template_name='mysite/admin_editcustomer.html'
>     pk = request.session['customer_pk']
>     qs = dbCustomer.objects.get(id=pk)
>     # Posted for saving
>     if request.method=="POST":
>         form = frmCustomer(request.POST)
>         if form.is_valid():
>             # here I tried form.save() hoping frmcustomer would be bound
>             # to the record the queryset pulled, it isn't.
>             # form.save() just created a new record
>             # I have the pk. 
>             # How do I simply update the record from the form.cleaned data
>             # This did not work
>             dbCustomer.objects.filter(pk).update(form.cleaned_data)
>             print(form.cleaned_data["contactfn"]) #Cleaned data is there.
>             # If updated, get rid of currect session variable
>             request.session['customer_pk']=''
>             # return to the customer list
>             return redirect("listcustomers")
>         else:
>             args = {"form":form,}
>             return render(request,template_name,args)    
>     else:
>         # Getting for editing
>         form = frmCustomer(initial=model_to_dict(qs))
>         args = {'form':form,}
>         return render(request,template_name,args)

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