On 11/12/2018 12:03 PM, Simon A wrote:
On Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at 3:14:07 AM UTC+8, computer engineering Forum wrote:

    I want to change my pc but i fear i wont be able to access the

I would assume my new pc is going to fail five minutes after I successfully transfer projects. Therefore I suggest that you start from scratch on the new pc with that in mind.

It (for me) involves ...

- a repository for each project

- a set of scripts for dumping various Postgres databases

- another set of scripts for dropping/creating/loading various databases from dump files

- a backup facility

- never manually installing software (if possible) but rather writing a script to do the installing. After running the script to install whatever I then comment out that line. Then for the inevitable replacement machine if I have backed up that script I only need to uncomment all (or most) lines and hey presto - a good start. I also keep comments in that install script to jog my memory to do stuff.

A new machine is an opportunity to improve your systems.


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