On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 5:31 AM John Lehmann <john.lehm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am still hoping however for someone to explain to me why the default
> renderer cannot handle my use case, such as that a few hundred inputs is
> too many, or that I am doing something else improperly.  Surely this kind
> of a change would not be made to the framework that would cause such an
> unacceptable performance (500+ms added). Kind of disappointing to spend a
> whole week upgrading only to end up wanting to downgrade again.

The Django template language is not really optimized for speed of
rendering. Even with a caching loader, rendering a template hundreds of
times will be an expensive enough operation to show up in your profiling.

The solutions are to use something faster (Jinja) if you absolutely must be
rendering hundreds of things, or find a way to make the form more efficient
(generally, when a form has hundreds of options to display in a select,
that's a sign of issues with the design of the form).

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