this is the first time i'm using reportlab. i copied the exact code from 
django documentation. when i save 
the file its getting saved as plain text document (text/plain). the name 
remains the same hello.pdf.

p = canvas.Canvas(buffer)

in this line if i specify the name of file 'hello.pdf' instead of buffer 
and remove the buffer from the fileresponse method it works and 
automatically gets saved as pdf file, but i cannot prompt the user to save 
the file.

buffer = io.BytesIO()
# Create the PDF object, using the buffer as its "file."
p = canvas.Canvas(buffer)
# Draw things on the PDF. Here's where the PDF generation happens.
# See the ReportLab documentation for the full list of functionality.
p.drawString(100, 100, "Hello world.")

# Close the PDF object cleanly, and we're done.

# FileResponse sets the Content-Disposition header so that browsers
# present the option to save the file.
return FileResponse(buffer, as_attachment=True, filename='hello.pdf')

i tried specifying the content_type='application/pdf' on the code provided 
by django documentation but it still gets saved as plain text document. i'm 
guessing the File response cannot guess the type of file from the filename 
argument as mentioned in django documentation.
*class *FileResponse(*open_file*, *as_attachment=False*, *filename=''*, 

if open_file doesn’t have a name or if the name of open_file isn’t 
appropriate, provide a custom file name using the filename parameter.

The as_attachment and filename keywords argument were added. Also, 
FileResponse sets the Contentheaders if it can guess them.


If i use the code from 2.0 django documentation it works. is there a bug in 
the latest django documentation 2.1?
i installed all the dependencies according to this official link
environment- ubuntu 18.04lts , pycharm, Python 3.5.6, reportlab 3.5.12.

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