Not sure if this is the best way. I just found 
inside AsyncHttpConsumer.handle() I can access self.scope['method'] to 
determine if it is a GET or POST or others.


On Monday, October 29, 2018 at 3:50:43 PM UTC-6, Zhiyu/Drew Li wrote:
> Hi there,
> Newbie to Channels.
> I am trying to write a Async consumer to handle a http GET request
> How to write a subclass MyAsynHttpConsumer(AsyncHttpConsumer) for this 
> purpose? Or I am looking at the wrong class?
> Also if I understand correctly, I should manually add a new pair 'http': 
> MyAsynHttpConsumer to ProtocolTypeRouter()
> async_http_urlpatterns = [
>     url(r'^async-http/$', consumers. MyAsynHttpConsumer   ),
> ]
> ProtocolTypeRouter ( 
> 'http': AuthMiddlewareStack(
>         URLRouter(
>              my_channels_app.routing.async_http_urlpatterns
>         )
>     ),
> )
> Thanks
> Drew

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