Anton Daneika напиша:

> playing with example polls application. This resulted in a bunch of question
> marks on the view page, instead of the expected "Как дела?" poll question,
> which was in Cyrillic.
> My firefox character encoding is set to UTF-8;
> the following command:
> $ env | grep -i utf
> yields to
> LANG=en_AU.UTF-8
> Has anyone faced that problem before?
> Am I supposed to switch something else in django or MySQL to get the
> cyrillic text or am I doing something stupid?

Which mysql version are you using?

I'm using mysql 5.0.24a and django from svn - utf-8 cyrillic text works 
fine out of the box in a browser with a default codepage of utf-8. The 
system locale is mk_MK.utf8.

To get mysql client in the console working with utf-8 (doesn't have 
anything to do with Django) I have this in /etc/my.cnf:

default-character-set = utf8

init_connect='set collation_connection = utf8_unicode_ci;'

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