Hi again,

I'm trying to include two views in one html template, however the
latter(bolded) view doesn't work.

The first one works well and I can see the items created within last 15
minutes in my webpage. However when I want to see the older items (bolded
html part and index1 in views.py), I don't get anything, not even an error.
Do I need to add something to other files in Django or is this even

- Mikko

                                <div class="col-lg-8">
{% for news in newstest %}
<h4> <a href="{{ news.url }}" >{{ news.title }}</a> </h4>
<p>{{ news.publisher }} {{ news.section }} {{ news.country }}</p>
<hr class="m-y-md" />
{% endfor %}

<p> +15 min </p>

*{% for news in newstest1 %}*
* <h4> <a href="{{ news.url }}" >{{ news.title }}</a> </h4>*
* <p>{{ news.publisher }} {{ news.section }} {{ news.country }}</p>*
* <hr class="m-y-md" />*
* {% endfor %}*

def index(request):
    newstest = NewsData.objects.filter(created__gt= time.time() -
    args = {'newstest': newstest}
    return render(request, "news/index.html", args)

def index1(request):
    newstest1 = NewsData.objects.filter(created__lt= time.time() -
    args1 = {'newstest1': newstest1}
    return render(request, "news/index.html", args1)

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