Ah I was just doing that to prove it was working


This is the actual tag


from django import template

from django.conf import settings

from django.utils.html import escape

from band.models import Data


register = template.Library()



def do_cost( name, avn, avd, *args, **kwargs ):

    avn = kwargs['avn']

    avd = kwargs['avd']

    name = kwargs['name']

    val_set = Data.objects.filter(prop = name).filter(date_period=avd)

    avn = 7  #this line is just for testing

    if avn >= 7:

        for x in val_set:

            val = x.full


        for x in val_set:

            val = x.short

    return val


From: django-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:django-users@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Andréas Kühne
Sent: 22 August 2018 15:20
To: django-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: template tag help please?


Wait a secound, you are doing some very strange things....


I didn't see this before.


You have defined the following:

def do_cost( name, avn, avd, *args, **kwargs ):
    avn = kwargs['avn']
    avd = kwargs['avd']
    name = kwargs['name']
    return name


The method has 3 parameters that you are sending to it - name, avn and avd. 
They correspond to the values sent to the method in order. So you don't need to 
use the kwargs dictionary - it's unnecessary...

You could just write:

def do_cost( name, avn, avd, *args, **kwargs ):
    return name

Beacause you have sent the name to the method?







Den ons 22 aug. 2018 kl 16:09 skrev MikeKJ <mike.jo...@paston.co.uk>:

Thank you Andreas Kuhne, progress


So this {% load get_cost %}{% do_cost b.name avn avd %} was working quite 
happily but for some reason is now complaining 


Exception Type:


 Exception Value:

Caught KeyError while rendering: 'avn'


Exception Location claims to be    get_cost.py in do_cost, line 10  which is 
avn = kwargs['avn']


but the exception is in the template line {% load get_cost %}{% do_cost b.name 
avn avd %}




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