I’m fascinated by this problem.
Try this workaround.

Register the lookup Lower like so:
CharField.register_lookup(Lower, "lower")

Then use the contains lookup.

From: django-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:django-users@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Joel
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 10:56 AM
To: Django users
Subject: Unexpected behavior with icontains in query filter

I'm trying to do a case insensitive search for a substring within a field in my 

My model:

class doctor(models.Model):
        docid = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, unique=True) # Need 
autoincrement, unique and primary
        name = models.CharField(max_length=35)
        username = models.CharField(max_length=15)
        regid = models.CharField(max_length=15, default="", blank=True)
        photo = models.CharField(
            max_length=35, default="", blank=True)
        email = models.EmailField(default="", blank=True)
        phone = models.CharField(max_length=15)
        qualifications = models.CharField(
            max_length=50, default="", blank=True)
        about = models.CharField(
            max_length=35, default="", blank=True)
        specialities = models.CharField(
            max_length=50, default="", blank=True)
        department = models.CharField(max_length=50, default="ENT", blank=True)
        fees = models.FloatField(default=300.0)
        displayfee = models.IntegerField(default=0, blank=True)
        slotrange = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True)
        slotdurn = models.IntegerField(default=10)
        breakrange = models.CharField(
            max_length=50, default="", blank=True)
        slotsleft = models.CharField(
            max_length=50, default="", blank=True)
        def __str__(self):
            return self.name
        def Range(self):
            return self.slotrange
        def listslots(self):
            SlotRange = self.slotrange
            SlotDurn = self.slotdurn
            startime = SlotRange.split('-')[0]
            endtime = SlotRange.split('-')[1]
            sthr, stmin = SplitTimeString(startime)
            enhr, enmin = SplitTimeString(endtime)
            print(stamptoday(sthr, stmin))
            print(stamptoday(enhr, enmin))
            startstamp = stamptoday(sthr, stmin)
            endstamp = stamptoday(enhr, enmin)
            secdurn = SlotDurn*60
            slotlist = []
            for sec in range(startstamp, endstamp, secdurn):
                enttime = sec + secdurn
                myrange = ("%s - %s" % (HumanTime(sec),
            return slotlist

Under the field 'name' in my mysql database, are two rows with values for name 
as 'Joel' and 'Jaffy Joel'.

When I do the search like this:

from appointments.models import customer, doctor, appointment


<QuerySet []>

But when I do:



 <QuerySet [<doctor: Joel>, <doctor: Jaffy Joel>]>

Why isnt the case insensitive search working for a lowercase search?

I'm on django 2.0.7
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