thanks for the response but can you help me go through the code probably
i'm the person making mistake in my code this the github link:

On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 3:00 PM, Marius Räsener <> wrote:

> Hey Philip,
> while I can't help you with your actual implementation I wanted to link
> you to this presentation abuot the topic, it's worth time spend I think ...
> OEsX3aZo5RttI6Fj2XZ7nTjhBu
> recursive models are tricky, especially to query afterwards - your example
> might be not super complicated (yet) but still, I recommend the video...
> Marius
> Am Donnerstag, 9. August 2018 14:42:13 UTC+2 schrieb Phlip Pretorius:
>> I want to build a one-to-many recursive foreign key on a table in Django.
>> The concept is something like this:
>> Table: staff/person
>> staff number    Surname            Firstnames    Supervisor
>> 4637            Zondo            Julien
>> 859076            Vanderbildt        John        4637
>> That is, Julien Zondo is John Vanderbildt's supervisor and to enter the
>> staff number in the supervisor field, it must exist in the staff table.
>> Each staff member can have only one supervisor but a person can be the
>> supervisor of many staff members.
>> I have read the documentation at
>> /en/2.1/ref/models/fields/#recursive-relationships but i do not get the
>> gist of it
>> I want to build an index table on three levels where a level 1 index will
>> have no predecessor
>> Level 2 indexes must have a level 1 predecessor and a level 3 index must
>> have a level 2 pedecessor.
>> Can this be done by using recursive relationships or should this be done
>> in a business layer?
>> Here is part of the definition of the model:
>> ============================================================
>> =================
>> Class DecisionIndex(models.Model):
>>     """A mechanism to index decision taken by a committee"""
>>     IndexCode = models.CharField(max_length=6)
>>     IndexDesc = models.CharField(max_length=80, null=False)
>>     IndexLevel = models.IntegerField(choices=list(zip(range(1, 4),
>>                                                       range(1, 4))),
>>                                      null=False)
>>     IndexPredecessor = models.ForeignKey('self',
>>                                          on_delete=models.CASCADE,
>>                                          limit_choices_to={'IdexLevel':
>> 1},)
>> ============================================================
>> ================
>> I get the following error message:
>> no such column: komadm_apps_decisionindex.IndexPredecessor_idno such
>> column:
>> Any help will be welcome.
>> Regards,
>> Phlip
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