
On 07/30/2018 05:04 PM, Kasper Laudrup wrote:
> Hi Birger,
> On 2018-07-30 16:12, Birger Schacht wrote:
>> i'm using my own PasswordResetTokenGenerator which has a timeout that is
>> not given in days but hours, to make the password token timeout more
>> fine grained. Is there a way to test such a timeout in Django tests,
>> i.e. something that lets the unit test use a fake time in the future?
> You can mock out pretty much everything using the mock module in the
> standard Python unittest library that Django already uses.
> Depending on your code of course, but something like:
> @mock.path('os.time.now')
> def test_my_token(self, mock_now):
>   mock_now.return_value = datetime(3000, 12, 31)
>   # The rest of your test code goes here
> Now your code should see the current time as being new years 3000.
> I haven't tested this and there might be better ways to do that, but
> that's how I would handle it. Hope that helps.

thanks, that did the trick!


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