There's two open tickets to work around this issue. which allows passing queryset 
override to be used for retrieval and another one that I can't currently 
find that allows specifying that a subquery should be used instead of a an 
IN clause.


Le vendredi 27 juillet 2018 07:05:17 UTC-4, Jason a écrit :
> well, prefetch explicitly does joining in python, as in the docs
> prefetch_related, on the other hand, does a separate lookup for each 
> relationship, and does the ‘joining’ in Python.
> since it doesn't use joins, there's nothing really to generate a match on 
> an index.  FWIW, I'm facing a similar issue when optimizing a slow django 
> query.
> On Friday, July 27, 2018 at 1:10:35 AM UTC-4, Ram Jayaraman wrote:
>> Hi Xof,
>> The issue is that, when you do a naive Prefetch you are left with nothing 
>> but Django’s auto generated IN query. I was asking about he recommended way 
>> to make this into a JOIN, which is not obvious how to do with Django
>> Also in my case the naive IN query on the PK *did not* generate a Index 
>> scan and ended up being a full table scan
>> I could have however used a Prefetch object to force PG to use a 
>> different index apart from the PK but a naive Prefetch of the form 
>> queryset.prefetch(‘table__table2’) does not use any index beyond 100 values
>> Also it’s hard to estimate how many values will be there in a nested 
>>  prefetch, to state the obvious, to do anything different on a query by 
>> query basis
>> On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 19:35 Christophe Pettus <> 
>> wrote:
>>> > On Jul 25, 2018, at 02:59, Jason <> wrote:
>>> > 
>>> > Where do you get that in the pg documentation? I can't find that 
>>> anywhere (google-fu may be failing me), and we do have some queries with 
>>> more than 100 values using IN.
>>> It's slightly more complicated than that.  Above 100 entries, the 
>>> PostgreSQL optimizer won't try to do optimizations of the form changing i 
>>> IN (1, 2 ..., 101) to (i = 1) OR (i = 2) OR  (i = 3)... to see if there's a 
>>> better way of executing the query.  It *can* still do an index scan in 
>>> those cases, although the more entries in the IN list, the less efficient 
>>> that will be.  In general, large IN clauses aren't a great idea; they're 
>>> better replaced with a join.
>>> --
>>> -- Christophe Pettus
>>> -- 
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