On 14/07/18 15:59, Mickael Barbo wrote:
Hi Anthony 😊
Thanks for sharing your experience.
"1 file one object doesn't mean what you think it means."
I hope you get the meaning I described 😉
I understand what you mean - I just don't agree with your analysis of
one file one object means in practice.
"it normally means (for instance) defining one class (and ALL of it's
methods' in one file) - not importing methods into class definitions -
I have never seen anyone suggest that."
A method is a function ? a function an object ? right ?
Strictly speaking a function is an object - but that is a python
implementation detail. Remember that one object one file originated well
before python was created. It came from the original OOP days with
languages such as C++ - where methods are not objects in the OOP sense -
the normal accepted meaning of 'One file - One Object' is (in terms of
Python)Â 'One file - one class'.
My purpose is that *I prefer working on several "small" files
containing 1 small function/object* and _*NOT*_ *dealing with a "big"
file* containing all methods of class (for example). It's
straightforward to find what I look for.
Mixins and inheritance don't really help here - unless you are reusing
the same method in multiple classes - in which case you might have a
mixin, or an inheritance situation.
Agree 😊
If you have one or more methods that provide a useful extra behavior
to one or many classes (say that you have a set of methods that
provide extra formatting on some fields, then that would be a mixin
If you can identify one of your classes being an extension to another
in some way - so for instance you have a model for Customers, and you
have a model for your Gold Customers then you might well have an
inheritance situation - anywhere you can say Model A is a type of
Model B that is inheritance: Gold Customers are a type of Customer.
So, for you, *if you would reduce the size of files you are working
on, how would you do that ?*
If you implement your classes and all of it's methods you can't reduce
the file size - you can though work to reduce the amount of code on
screen. Typically you will work on one method at a time, and most good
code editors have what they call code-folding; code folding allows you
to collapse individual methods to a few lines (the function signature
and the doc string), and many good editors will also allow you to fold
loops, if/else blocks, try/except blocks, and with blocks such that the
amount of code on screen are reduced. Most good editors will also
provide a 'contents' type view of your code - so that you can see a list
of the functions/methods in your file, and jump to them - without
needing to scroll through your code.
I do understand it doesn't solve your immediate problem as you see it,
but I think with good quality tools your 'problem' wont actually be a
Personally I use PyCharm, which is a very good quality code editor, and
also entirely free.
For example, let's say you have a Customer class with 15 methods and
the file is about 1000 lines of code.
How to split this file in smaller files with 1 method per file ?
I wouldn't split it - at all - if you split the methods into files as
you suggest- you are loosing at least some of the advantages of OOP - it
is a considerable benefit to have all your code in one place - to be
able check-in and revert your changes to a single class.
If you do really wish to go down the one function/method one file route,
then the scheme that you already use is probably the best one(in terms
of ensuring your code works as you expect); If you do use that strategy
I would stron
Thanks for your help Anthony, hoping to be as clear as possible.
2018-07-14 10:56 GMT+02:00 Anthony Flury <anthony.fl...@btinternet.com
On 13/07/18 12:44, Mickael Barbo wrote:
Hi !
I like working with " 1 file - 1 object " (Object could be
class, function...).*
It simplify visibility, debug etc... and it's easy for me to
*don't pollute my brain* :-)
1 file one object doesn't mean what you think it means.
it normally means (for instance) defining one class (and ALL of
it's methods' in one file) - not importing methods into class
definitions - I have never seen anyone suggest that.
Mixins and inheritance don't really help here - unless you are
reusing the same method in multiple classes - in which case you
might have a mixin, or an inheritance situation.
If you have one or more methods that provide a useful extra
behavior to one or many classes (say that you have a set of
methods that provide extra formatting on some fields, then that
would be a mixin
If you can identify one of your classes being an extension to
another in some way - so for instance you have a model for
Customers, and you have a model for your Gold Customers then you
might well have an inheritance situation - anywhere you can say
Model A is a type of Model B that is inheritance: Gold Customers
are a type of Customer.
For exemple, I do :
In *class_xxxx.py file* :
from.|xxxx_method2| importmethod2
and in |*xxxx_method1.py file* :
"my code"
*|It works great, but is there a better way to do that ? is
there a solution to do that "automatically" ?|*
|I read lots of thinks about mixin, heritage, etc... but is
there a better way to split code to get a better granularity ?|
|Thanks for sharing your point ;-)|
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