On zondag 8 juli 2018 13:58:33 CEST Derek wrote:

> I am attempting to pass multiple keyword arguments from a reverse() call
> (from my app called `uploads`).

There's no call to reverse in your code. But to do this:

reverse('upload_details', kwargs={'view': 'site', 'mid', 3})

> *urls.py*
> urlpatterns = [
>     url(
>         regex=r'^add/$',
>         view=views.add_new,
>         name='add_new'),
>     url(
>         regex=r'^details/(?P<view>[a-z.]+)/(?P<mid>\d+)?$',
>         view=views.upload_details,
>         name='upload_details'),
> ]
> *views.py*
> def add_new(request)
>     # ... process data via a form; create a result object
>     return HttpResponseRedirect(
>         reverse('uploads:upload_details',
>                 kwargs={'view': view, 'mid':result.pk})
>     )
> def upload_details(request, view='site', mid=None):
>     # ... run process based on view and mid args
> When the `upload_details` view gets called, the 'mid' does not set (even
> though it has a valid integer value); examining the
> contrib/auth/decorators.py file in debug mode:
>     def decorator(view_func):
>         @wraps(view_func, assigned=available_attrs(view_func))
>         def _wrapped_view(request, *args, **kwargs):
>             if test_func(request.user):
>                 return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)

And how is that relevant as well? I think you're missing some code in your 
copy, cause this decorator also is not in your view code.

Melvyn Sopacua

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