Thanks Mark for sharing every step! It helps a lot.

On Wednesday, June 27, 2018 at 7:57:25 PM UTC+5:30, mark wrote:
> The way I work with json data in the admin is rather complicated. Here are 
> a the steps I use - check the django documentation and Google for details.
> As an example, assume you have a table Documents with a JSON field called 
> metadata and other "normal" django fields. The metadata is a dictionary of 
> key - value pairs. Note: the "value" can be a string, list, dictionary, 
> integer, real, etc. It all depends on your needs and the field/widget you 
> define for your field.
> 1. Create a DocumentAdminForm(forms. ModelForm)
> 2. Override the __init__ method in the DocumentAdminForm to create all of 
> your JSON fields. I use the key as the name of the field. You will have 
> field definitions of the form
> self.fields[key] = forms.CharField(<normal parameters as in any django 
> model>). You can use any field type - DateField, BooleanField, 
> ModelChoiceField, ModelMultipleChoiceField, etc. For the last two fields, 
> your value will be a list in the JSON data. You can also use any of the 
> django or admin widgets for these fields - just add them to the field 
> definition.
> 3. To initialize the field with data from your JSON field, use 
> self.fields[key].initial = <value from your JSON dictionary for that key> 
> in the __init__ method.
> 4. In django > 1.8, be sure to have fields='__all__' in the Meta section 
> of the DocumentAdminForm
> 5. Override the clean method to validate the data you get back from the 
> form. There will be an entry in the self.cleaned_data dictionary for each 
> field in the form. You have to go through all the entries for your JSON 
> keys, validate whether the data is good or not, save them into a metadata 
> dictionary of the correct form for your JSON field, and remove that field 
> from the self.cleaned_data dictionary. At the end, the self.cleaned_data 
> should only have the fields that are defined in your model, and one 
> dictionary for your metadata JSON object. If one of the JSON fields has bad 
> data, then add a validation error to self.add_errors(key, validation_error) 
> - still remove this field info from the self.cleaned_data. 
> Create a DocumentAdmin(model.Admin) class. 
> 1. set the form = DocumentAdminForm
> 2. Define a fieldset just for the fields in your model (not the JSON field)
> 3. Override get_form to flatten the fieldsets:
>     def get_form(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
>         kwargs['fields'] = flatten_fieldsets(self.fieldsets)
>         return super(DocumentAdmin, self).get_form(request, obj, **kwargs)
>  4. Override get_fieldsets(self, request, obj=None) to add a fieldset 
> definition for your keys in the JSON object to the fieldsets object you 
> defined in step 2. Same keys used to define the fields in the form.
> And that is about it! The admin page for your model will have a widget for 
> each of your keys in your JSON data. I can't post the code I use, but this 
> outline should give you enough pointers to look in the Django docs and get 
> some examples from Google. 
> Good luck!
> Mark
> On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 6:23 AM, prateek gupta < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> It has some limit- The configuration object can only be changed, there's 
>> no link for "add" (1)
>> On Wednesday, June 27, 2018 at 6:41:41 PM UTC+5:30, Egor Smolyakov wrote:
>>> Better way it to use packages like this 
>>> On 27 June 2018 at 15:18, prateek gupta <> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I am using Django 2.0.6 with Python 3.6 and MySql and created a model 
>>>> which maps the db tables to django.
>>>> In my database, I have a column 'config' of type json.
>>>> This column stores the data in a dictionary format like below- 
>>>> {"user_id": "", "password": "xyz"}
>>>> I need to make it editable via the Django like below screen shot-
>>>> <>
>>>> I need your suggestion - what is the best way to achieve this?
>>>> I found a useful link for this purpose -
>>>> how-to-store-a-dictionary-on-a-django-model 
>>>> <>
>>>>  but 
>>>> want to take your valuable guidance before proceeding so that I can 
>>>> implement with best practices.
>>>> -- 
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>>> Kind Regards, Yehor Smoliakov.
>>> -- 
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