I have a lot of this stuff worked out, but for Bootstrap 3. I've done this in a 
UX library I've 
used for various projects, so it's kinda of a need-driven collection of 
widgets, CBV's and 
form components - not exactly something for general use.

I've made it available on Gitlab, so you can see how you add various modals to 
a single 
view. In my case I mostly used a context menu to launch the modals, but I never 
with the Ajax part, instead the forms get submitted normally, generating a page 
That part you have to do yourself, but there's a lot in there you can build on:

- Wrapper for a Form[1] 
- Mixins to handle addtional forms[2] 
- Template tags to render a bootstrap 3 modal[3] 
- etcetera...

And here's an example of a view from a project management tool that I wrote 
with it:

class ProjectDetailView(DefaultPageMixin, AdditionalFormsMixin,
                        ContextMenuMixin, generic.DetailView):
    model = models.Project
    context_object_name = 'project'
    template_name = 'view/project.html'

    def generate_context_menu(self) -> None:
        self.add_active_menu_link('view_project', _('View Project'), icon='eye')
            'edit_project', _('Edit Project'), 'edit-project', icon='pencil',
            title=_('Edit current project')
            'add_task', _('Add Milestone'), 'add-task', icon='plus-square',

    def generate_additional_forms(self):
        proj_update_url = reverse('core:project_edit',
                                  kwargs={'slug': self.object.slug})
        task_create_url = reverse('core:project_task_create')
            'project_update_form', forms.ProjectForm, proj_update_url,
            'add_milestone_form', forms.NewProjectTaskForm, task_create_url,
            initial={'project': self.object, 'is_milestone': True},

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
        del context['object']
        project = self.object  # type: models.Project
        context['has_milestones'] = project.has_milestones
        context['milestones'] = project.milestones.order_by('sequence', 'title')

        return context

I may clean up the library for more general use, but in the mean time, hope 
this helps you 
along with your quest.

On donderdag 21 juni 2018 18:23:26 CEST Alexander Joseph wrote:
> Awesome! Thanks Kirby, I will try that out and let you know
> On Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 10:12 AM, C. Kirby <mist...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Ok, this is good to work with. Let us tackle this issue by issue. The
> > first issue is that your modal is not showing up. I see several possible
> > issues:
> > 
> > Replace
> > 
> >   <p>Click <a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modal" href="{% url
> > 
> > 'engineering:gaas_wafer_design_create' %}">here</a> to show the modal</p>
> > 
> >  with
> > 
> > <button data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modal" %}">Create a new wafer
> > design</button>
> > 
> > Having the href in the a tag makes it want to load to a new page, but also
> > load the modal, I think. Since you reference the form url in the ajax call
> > you don't need it in an a tag. Also in the bootstrap4 api reference it
> > only
> > launches modals from buttons, not from <a> tags
> > 
> > Next/if that doesn't get you a further I would check to make sure teh
> > modal structure is correct before worrying about the ajax call.
> > 
> > Put the contents of the gaas_wafer_design_form.html into the modal in
> > gaas_wafer_design_list.html. Remove the form elements and just have a
> > complete, static bootstrap modal on the page. Also comment out the
> > on(show.bs.modal). Noting the date on the tutorial it looks like it might
> > be using an alpha or beta version of bootstrap4. If you can't get a static
> > modal to show up this way then you will have to go take a look at the
> > bootstrap4 api and match the modal structure.
> > 
> > If you have the same/new issues after trying those we can tackle them next
> > 
> > Kirby
> > 
> > --
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