Thank you both. 
Clearly, I also missed some important points about dictionaries.
Mistakes are good teachers, but it surely helps having competent people on 
a mailing list :)

I'll sum up the simple solution to context processors that worked for me, 
if somebody would find it useful some day.

Basically in any of your .py files you can put a definition taking 
'request' as argument and returning a dictionary.
Recommended file is <app>/ (my <app> is named items) 
def GetItemDictionary(request):
    return {
         'itemDictionary': [
            {'name': 'region', 'readable': 'Region', 'urlname': 
'region_list' }, 
            {'name': 'location', 'readable': 'Location', 'urlname': 
'location_list' },

This will allow you to iterate over the dictionary 'itemDictionary' in all 
your templates, e.g. in template.html
{% for item in itemDictionary %}
    <li><a href={% url item.urlname %}>{{ item.readable }}</a>
{% endfor %}

To ensure that Django passes the itemDictionary dict to the template, you 
will need to register it in
        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [
            BASE_DIR + '/templates/',
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [

And that's about it. Thanks again to Matthew and Andréas for helping me out 

cheers, Mikkel

onsdag den 20. juni 2018 kl. 20.34.50 UTC+2 skrev Andréas Kühne:
> Hi Matthew,
> That's true, You would then be able to get the dictionary values once 
> more. Hadn't thought of that. Good point! Thanks :-)
> Regards,
> Andréas
> 2018-06-20 15:55 GMT+02:00 Matthew Pava < <javascript:>>:
>> Well, you can access a dictionary like a list using these:
>> items.keys(), template:
>>                 for k in items.keys
>> items.values(), template:
>>                 for v in items.values
>> items.items(), template:
>>                 for k, v in items.items
>> *From:* <javascript:> [mailto:
>> <javascript:>] *On Behalf Of *Andréas Kühne
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 20, 2018 2:28 AM
>> *To:* <javascript:>
>> *Subject:* Re: Help with context_processor
>> Hi Mikkel,
>> No - you can't loop over a dictionary that way. However - You don't need 
>> to resort to doing that either. If you want to loop over something use a 
>> list. Like this:
>> return {
>>   'items': [
>>        {'name': 'year', 'readable': 'Year', 'urlname': 'year_list' },
>>           {'name': 'region', 'readable': 'Region', 'urlname': 
>> 'region_list' },
>>       {'name': 'location', 'readable': 'Location', 'urlname': 
>> 'location_list' }
>>   ]
>> }
>> Then in the template:
>> {% for item in Items %}
>>     <li><a href="{% url item.urlname}">{{item.readable}}</a>
>> {% endfor %}
>> Regards,
>> Andréas
>> 2018-06-19 20:59 GMT+02:00 Mikkel Kromann < 
>> <javascript:>>:
>> Thank you so much Andreas.
>> This is very helpful.
>> I wasn't able to figure that from the documentation (not sure who to 
>> blame, though ;)
>> So I relied on various stackoverflow posts, which were quite confusing to 
>> say the least.
>> Now, is there anyway I can loop over the items in the dictionary?
>> In the end, I will probably query my dictionary from another model of 
>> mine.
>> Would the { for item in items } still hold? 
>> cheers, Mikkel
>> mandag den 18. juni 2018 kl. 22.55.29 UTC+2 skrev Andréas Kühne:
>> First of all - that is not how a context processor works.
>> You are confusing template tags and context processors. A template tag is 
>> one of the following:
>> It must then be registered and then included in your template. So then 
>> you should put it in the templatetags module and load it into your 
>> template. It should NOT be added to the OPTIONS dictionary.
>> However, a context processor is called EVERYTIME a request is handled and 
>> returns it's content to the template - WITHOUT the need of calling anything 
>> OR adding it to your template. So in your case you would need to move the 
>> context processor from the templatetags module, not load it with register, 
>> and also load use {% include %} in your template. And finally don't call it.
>> What happens with the context processor is that it autmatically gets 
>> called and the dictionary result is added to the context of the template.
>> So your context processor should look like this:
>> def GetItemDictionary(request):
>> # For now pass a hardcoded dictionary - replace with query later
>>     return {
>>         'year': {'name': 'year', 'readable': 'Year', 'urlname': 
>> 'year_list' },
>>         'region': {'name': 'region', 'readable': 'Region', 'urlname': 
>> 'region_list' }, 
>>         'location': {'name': 'location', 'readable': 'Location', 
>> 'urlname': 'location_list' },
>>     }
>> Without registering it or anything.
>> This way you will be able to get the information in your template like 
>> this:
>> {% block sidebar %}
>> <ul>
>>     <li><a href="{{ year.urlname }}">{{year.readable}}</a>
>>     <li><a href="{{ region.urlname }}">{{region.readable}}</a>
>>     <li><a href="{{ location.urlname }}">{{location.readable}}</a>
>> </ul>
>> {% endblock %}
>> The reason for needing to add year, region and location, is because that 
>> is the way you are creating the dictionary in your context processor.
>> Best regards,
>> Andréas
>> 2018-06-18 21:16 GMT+02:00 Mikkel Kromann <>:
>> Hi.
>> Once again thanks for all your invaluable advice to me so far. Now, I'm 
>> battling context_processors.
>> I really struggle to find a good example that can help me understand how 
>> to use them.
>> They seem quite helpful to a lot of stuff I plan to do.
>> I think I got the configuration in and @register right as my tag 
>> is accepted as registered.
>> What baffles me is whether to include "request" as argument to my context 
>> processor GetItemDictionary() 
>> The error I get now (without declaring request as an argument) is 
>> "GetItemDictionary() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given"
>> With request as argumetn to GetItemDictionary(request) I get this error:
>> 'GetItemDictionary' did not receive value(s) for the argument(s): 'request'
>> Should I pass request to my GetItemDictionary somewhere in my view, or is 
>> that done automagically by the template?
>> I realise that I've probably done something wrong elsewhere, but I'm at a 
>> loss to guess where ...
>> I suspect that the @register.simple_tag stuff I do may be the culprit as 
>> the tag may not be simple.
>> thanks, Mikkel
>> From project/app/templatetags/
>> from django import template
>> register = template.Library() 
>> @register.simple_tag()
>> def GetItemDictionary():
>> # For now pass a hardcoded dictionary - replace with query later
>>     return {
>>         'year': {'name': 'year', 'readable': 'Year', 'urlname': 
>> 'year_list' },
>>         'region': {'name': 'region', 'readable': 'Region', 'urlname': 
>> 'region_list' }, 
>>         'location': {'name': 'location', 'readable': 'Location', 
>> 'urlname': 'location_list' },
>>     }
>> From my
>>     {
>>         'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
>>         'DIRS': [
>>             BASE_DIR + '/templates/',
>>         ],
>>         'APP_DIRS': True,
>>         'OPTIONS': {
>>             'context_processors': [
>>                 'items.templatetags.items_extra.GetItemDictionary',
>>                 'django.template.context_processors.debug',
>>                 'django.template.context_processors.request',
>>                 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth',
>>                 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages',
>>             ],
>>             'libraries':{
>>                 'items_extra': 'items.templatetags.items_extra',
>>             },
>>         },
>>     },
>> ]
>> From my template:
>> {% load items_extra  %}
>> {% GetItemDictionary as Items %}
>> {% block sidebar %}
>> <ul>
>> {% for item in Items %}
>>     <li><a href="{% url item.urlname}">item.readable</a>
>> {% endfor %}
>> </ul>
>> I: {{ Items }}
>> {% endblock %}
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