On 16/06/2018 3:29 AM, Vinnicyus Gracindo wrote:
Hi. I beat my brains out trying to find out why my cbv was not working with LoginRequiredMixin.
I found the order of the mixins in the inheritance:
It works: class UserListView(LoginRequiredMixin, ListView)
Doesn't work: class UserListView(ListView, LoginRequiredMixin)

Is that how it was designed?

Yes. See ...


... where the LoginRequiredMixin is positioned ahead of the View class. Or in your case the ListView class. For success it relies on Python method resolution order (MRO) see ...

https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.3/mro/  (introduced in Python 2.3)

You may be aware of http://ccbv.co.uk/ with its very comprehensive documentation of Django CBVs. Well worth a visit if you haven't seen it.


or is it a bug?

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