Hi Roger,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes you are correct. There are actually 2 modules of this project:-
1. Django front end which is totally isolated in itself if I talk about it 
with back-end reference. And currently it has no mechanism whatsoever to 
communicate with back-end.
2. python based back-end scripts. which itself is a program. It can be 
started with some management IPs of Network elements and that program will 
keep getting the data from those NE synchronously.
    This back-end can not communicate with any external program yet. And 
uses a global variable file for starting the threads.

Now to link these 2 modules I understand I need to to introduce APIs in 
module 2. and call those APIs from django.
Which is exactly what you are suggesting in your suggestion 1. Correct me 
if I am wrong.

Just a little bit more help. Can you please guide me to some tutorial to 
get this thing started.

Thanks in advance.


On Sunday, May 27, 2018 at 2:34:05 PM UTC+5:30, Roger Gammans wrote:
> I think there is a little bit of confusion in this thread,a s we keep talk 
> about django and the deamon process and ignoring the frontend.
> So to clarify; there we are talking about a system with at least 3 
> execution environments:
> 1 The Browser
> 2 Django backend processes
> 3 The backend daemon/cli -process.
> django-channel provides a mechanism which (amongst other uses) can get 
> near-realtime updates from a django environment to the web browser, but if 
> you don't need this you can just store all your status data in the data 
> base . Then when the browser fetches a views it will have the most recent 
> data in the database.
> You still however need to communicate between the backend process and the 
> rest of the django environment, the simplest way as Ryan suggesting is to
> bring this inside the django environment by implementing it as a 
> management command, from there you have access to the python end of the 
> channels api to send messages to the browsers, or the model objects to save 
> to the database. Management commands can be arbitrarily complex, so that 
> not a problem in itself.
> I have a similar system in development and there we do run the backend 
> daemon outside of the dajngo environment, but that makes database access 
> hard as you need a separate copy of the database models, or to use raw SQL. 
> In our system we still have a django management command though which has 
> the responsibility of pumping/handling messages from the deamon to the 
> intended destination.
> If you want to keep your backend separate l I can see two reasonable paths:
> 1. Use a custom set of django views to provide a API your backend connects 
> to over localhost/http to send the it message updates.
> 2. A django management command as a API interface message handler, which 
> connects to the backend over one of many message channels out there. (ie. 
> zmq, redis, unix-sockets, etc)
> Hope this helps a little bit.
> On Sun, 2018-05-27 at 01:01 -0700, Sourabh Jaiswal wrote:
> HI Ryan,
> The back-end script in this case is not only doing telnet. Its getting 
> data from multiple network elements using telnet and multi-threading. There 
> are multiple threads started when I start the backend script which takes 
> monitoring data from diff-diff network elements at the same time. The 
> communication between the threads is happening using a python Sockets. A 
> TCP server is responsible to pass the messages between threads. So I have 
> to have this background program run to collect data.
> The control from django I want is, to be able to start multiple instance 
> of this whole back-end package when user clicks on such cluster in django 
> front end. Passing management IP and other relevant information from django 
> DB. and after starting particular instance django should be able to control 
> it.
> What I found out from recent googling and stuff is. I need to write some 
> APIs in back-end program and as Andrew suggested it needs to be written in 
> such a way that it can be polled via django.
> So where to start in this regard? can you please guide me for that.
> Thanks in advance!
> Regards,
> Jaiswal.
> On Saturday, May 26, 2018 at 8:15:28 PM UTC+5:30, Ryan Nowakowski wrote:
> Another idea: create a Django management command that does the telnet 
> stuff and just run that periodically via Cron. You can always move to 
> channels or celery later.
> On May 26, 2018 9:33:16 AM CDT, Ryan Nowakowski <tub...@fattuba.com> 
> wrote:
> In addition to websockets, channels can be used to run background tasks 
> that could take a long time for example a telnet connection. You can Google 
> Django channels background tasks.
> An alternative to channels for background tasks is celery. 
> On May 26, 2018 5:03:51 AM CDT, Andrew Godwin <and...@aeracode.org> wrote:
> Hi Jaiswal,
> I'm afraid that I can't give detailed help about what your best options 
> are or walk you through how to do it - that's something you'll have to 
> research and decide on yourself. Channels allows you to do low-latency 
> communictation between Django back-ends and JavaScript, but anything you 
> can do with it can also be done slower using a polling API connection.
> My recommendation would be to start simple - doing it using an API that 
> you poll every few seconds - and then once you have that figured out, look 
> at how you could improve it using WebSockets and channels.
> Andrew
> On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 8:38 AM Sourabh Jaiswal <sourabhj...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am writing a python based application(CLI Back End) which does telnet to 
> some network components and gets some data. It saves the data in sqlite db.
> For this application I am writing Django based frond end. Which will start 
> the CLI app and monitor it. For communication between the CLI App and 
> django I am not able to decide what to use. I read somewhere on net that 
> django channels can be used in this problem.
> I have no idea about what django channel is and what it does. Can some one 
> please help me in this I need to come up with a tool for this CLI and 
> django communication ASAP.
> Thanks in advance!
> Regards, Jaiswal.

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