Thank you to all three of you. 
This was exactly the advice I've been looking for, and increased my 
understanding of Django as well as of my own app.
I will go carefully through the relations between my different models, and 
split them up between several model files, and cross-import as needed.

cheers, Mikkel

lørdag den 14. april 2018 kl. 16.10.27 UTC+2 skrev Mikkel Kromann:
> Hi.
> I'm new to Django, and I'm working my way into Django by going through the 
> nice turorial. 
> I'm trying to find out whether Django is the right tool for my task, which 
> is maybe a bit unusual for Django.
> My task is to build a web interface to a database for an calculation tool 
> made in Python. 
> The database will contain maybe up to 100.000 pieces of data (mostly 
> decimal fields), and the tool will import this data, do some calculations 
> and write some results back to the database.
> My Django web interface should allow the user to view, add, delete and 
> edit the data in the database, and view the results with tables and charts.
> The data is organised in various chunks:
> - "Sets" which lend themselves very nicely to Django models, i.e. 
> HouseholdType, Item, City, Month, Year
> - "Maps", which are user defined ManyToOne or ManyToMany relations between 
> the various sets (can probably be worked into the "sets" models)
> - "Data Tables", which contains the main load of data, having the "sets" 
> as foreign keys (e.g. "Demand" for each HouseholdType, Item, City, Month 
> and year)
> - "Results tables", calculated by the tool but in structure quite similar 
> to the "Data tables"
> I will have roughly 10 sets, 10 maps. 20-30 data tables and 10-20 result 
> tables.
> I understand that putting all these into a one app will create biiig 
> and files, which is probably a bad idea.
> On the other hand, splitting the sets, maps and tables into several apps 
> does not seem to be an ideal solution either.
> All the tables and the maps will be models that have foreign keys to the 
> "sets" models.
> My understanding so far is, that it is also bad to have a lot of 
> interlinkage between the various apps.
> An intermediate solution might be, that if I make a "Sets" app containing 
> all the models that are going to be primary key in the other apps, then the 
> interlinkages between the apps is somewhat simplified.
> Any thoughts or advice?
> cheers, Mikkel 

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